I Love Halloween!
It's always been my favorite Holiday!
And on Top of that Halloween is my Twins
Birthday! Bwa Ha Ha! Trick or Treat?
Lol anyway when the offer came up to color this sweet girl I jumped on it!
And for you she is on Sale through to Halloween here:
In Conie Fong's shop!
In Conie Fong's shop!
Copic Colors:
Dress: BV29, BV25, BV23, BV31
Green: Y09, Y07,Y06
Cat: C8,C7,C6, C5, C4,C3,C2, RY01
Hair, W9, W7, W5, BV23
Skin: W000, W00, R11, E04, R30.
I hope you enjoyed checking out this image. I will be trying her again here shortly with brighter colors so stay tuned!